Friday, October 10, 2008

Branches of the Goverment

There are 3 braches of the goverment. these branches are executive, legislative, and judicial. the executive branch consist of the president, vice president, and the cabinet members. some of the cabinet members are secretary of treasury, defense, health, home secruity, welfare, and many more. legislative is the congress, senate, and house of representatives. these are the people who pass bills when this bill is passed it gets sent to the president and the president could either approve it or veto it but of course congress could overriide his veto. After this bill becomes a law it will get sent to the judicial branch which is the Supreme Court. there are 9 supreme court judges, 2 are women. now as the law gets passed through this branch they can either rule it constituional which means it will be a law and its official or they can rule it unconstitutional which mean the law will be thrown out.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Obama and McCain. my opinion

both Barrack Obama and McCain have a good outlook of the views on education. With the no children left behind law i agree with John McCain because he wants to focus on the children who are in need of help and not as a group or community of schools as Obama wants. in the argument of paying teachers accroding to how well they teach or just to pay them i agree with McCain because why pay a teacher if they are not teaching the students anything but i also agree with barrack because if all the students are not failing it is not all the teachers fault it is partially the childs fault for not caring or being lazy.

Friday, September 26, 2008

About Me

heyy, my name is Nicole. I am 13 years old! I mainly like to hang out with my friends, play some sports just for fun, im not on any teams though, im really smart im probably the smartest person in my class, i love to dance and sing i might not be so good but its fun so yeahh. My favorite music is rap, hip hop, r&b, pop, alternative rock, really i will listen to anything thats on z100. and mateo is my bestfrienddd lol